Monday 16 September 2013

Whilst plenty is written about female film costumes, male costumes are often ignored. However, here at 'Rank & File' we think it's too important a subject to ignore.
It appears that many British productions simply asked actors to provide their own clothing where suitable or, in the case of Ealing Studios, arrangements were often made with clothing companies to provide male clothing at reduced costs.
Therefore we like to play 'Spot the re-used outfits':
Here's Leslie Philips in Pool of London:
Leslie Philips

And the same jacket worn by Dirk Bogarde in The Blue Lamp:
Dirk Bogarde
And again in The Woman in Question:
Jean Kent & Dirk Bogarde
And again worn by Stanley Escane in 'I Believe in You':

Back to Pool of London, where this tie ....
... is just waiting to be reused in Dance Hall:
 Whilst we are on the subject of 'Pool of London', here's Bonar Colleano's jacket ....
 .... which appears to be the same one worn by Harry Fowler in 'I Believe in You':

In the same scene Harry Fowler wears a similar jacket but with a rip on the left breast ...

... this jacket (complete with rip) was also worn by James Kenney in the 1953 film 'The Gentle Gunman':

Also in 'The Gentle Gunman' was this leather jacket worn by John Mills ...

... which appears to be the same one worn by Dirk Bogarde in 'Hunted':

In 1950, Russell Waters appeared in 'Seven Days to Noon' wearing a three-piece, pinstriped, double breasted suit:
Russell Waters
Six years later, he wore the same suit in 'The Man in the Sky':
Russell Waters
Walters also wore this suit in 'Lease of Life':

 Here's a flat cap being worn by the same actor in 'Take a Chance' (1937) and 'The Arsenal Stadium Mystery' (1939):


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